Energy Release 2.0
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Tabella 3. I requisiti per l’assoggettabilità ai possibili regimi autorizzativi
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Tabella 2. L’iter procedurale per la Procedura Abilitativa Semplificata
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Tabella 1. L’iter procedurale per l’Autorizzazione Unica
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Focus. Finanziamento del sistema idrogeno: Regolamento TEN-E e aste europee
Il regolamento TEN-E (regolamento 2022/869 adottato nel 2022) ha abilitato il supporto finanziario per diverse categorie di infrastrutture transfrontaliere rilevanti per lo sviluppo della rete europea dell’idrogeno come: gasdotti di idrogeno im
Focus. Gas rinnovabili e a basse emissioni di carbonio
Nell’ambito del Pacchetto europeo sull’idrogeno e i gas decarbonizzati rientrano due tipi di gas. Gas rinnovabile: si riferisce al biogas (incluso il biometano) e ai combustibili rinnovabili di origine non biologica (RFNBOs), ovvero gas o
Monthly report 4-2024
Supply interruptions from Norway and key US LNG facilities halted the decline in gas prices, despite demand having remain subdued. Abundant hydroelectric production limited electricity prices‘upward potential instead.
Monthly report 3-2024
In the middle of persistent bearish market conditions, in line with our Low scenario, both gas and power markets in Italy lose competitiveness compared to European ones and the pressure on margins increased.
Monthly report 2-2024
Higher gas and power demand failed to fuel an increase in prices, with comfortable storages, stable supply and favourable renewables production having weighed.
Monthly report 1-2024
Year 2023 closed with persisting bearish market conditions, which confirmed the downward trend in both gas and power prices. Weak demand, stable supply and abundant storages weighed.