Survey of wages and labour costs in local public utilities companies (Available in Italian only: Indagine sulle retribuzioni e il costo del lavoro nelle aziende dei servizi pubblici locali)
Cispel report on wages and labour costs in local public utilities published for three years (for the years 1997, 1998 and 1999).
Reports on wages and labour costs (Available in Italian only: Rapporti sulle retribuzioni e il costo del lavoro)
This was published in 2000 as part or the series Documenti Cnel. The report provides analytical support for an examination and interpretation of important issues concerning the Italian labour market - incomes policies, wage differentials and collecti
Chambers of Commerce wages and employment structure – An analysis of 1998-2000 annual accounts (Available in Italian only: Retribuzioni e struttura occupazionale delle Camere di Commercio – Un´analisi dei conti annuali 1998-2000)
A benchmark analysis of annual Chamber of Commerce accounts in terms of wage policies, career developments, employment structures and selection criteria.
Report on retail sales (Available in Italian only: Rapporto sulle vendite al dettaglio)
This report, prepared jointly with Centro Studi Unioncamere, addresses four issues: the general climate for household consumption; the effects on turnover for retailers; the reactions in terms of new retailer start-ups and others closing down; change