Monthly Outlook Jul-24
Before new US and Qatar plants come online, the demand-supply margin is not enough to dismiss the risk of renewed global LNG tensions. Despite record RES, ample imports, and subdued demand, a rebound in gas and power prices cannot be ruled out.
Monthly Outlook Jun-24
Despite a weakening of the electricity market fundamentals, chances for prices to move lower are limited, in wake of logistic costs highly uncertain dynamics and risks for the gas market relating to the global LNG demand-supply close margins.
Monthly Outlook May-24
Gas market balance relies on low European demand, as the recovery of Asian LNG demand and concerns over LNG supply contribute to price volatility. High renewables production and increased imports weigh on the competitive demand for CCGTs.
Monthly Outlook Apr-24
Fundamentals suggest stable gas and power markets in 2024. However, geopolitical issues and LNG supply disruptions pose risks that could spike volatility. Low competitive demand for CCGT gas power plants keeps pressure on the CSS.
LNG and Natural Gas Market Outlook Mar 2024 – Anno IX n. 27
The level of competition in LNG supplies, European gas reserves, and demand does not support a substantial price rebound until the next winter. The need for Norwegian supplies to offset OLT limits chances for the PSV-TTF spread narrowing.
Gas and Power Market Outlook Jan 2024 – Anno IX n. 26
An expected recovery of gas demand in 2024 is seen as supporting gas and power prices. The deployment of renewable energy capacity would be key to ease tensions potentially arising in summer.
LNG and Natural Gas Market Outlook Oct 2023 – Anno VIII n. 25
The overall gas market equilibrium is delicate depending on a combination of factors that are pivotal for price stability: competitive dynamics between Europe and Asia on LNG supplies will play a key role.
LNG and Natural Gas Market Outlook Jun 2023 – Anno VIII n. 24
Short-term fundamentals eased, but the global gas market remains tight, with Europe relying on LNG supplies, whose growth is lagging behind the recovery of Asian demand. Prices are therefore expected to recover in the next winter.
LNG and Natural Gas Market Outlook Mar 2023 – Anno VIII n. 23
Europe moved to a premium spot LNG market role from the historically held balancing one, of which the baton is passed to China. While waiting for supplies growth to lead to a new market equilibrium, demand containment is key to avoid tensions.
Gas and Power Market Outlook Jan 2023 – Anno VIII n. 22
Demand contraction temporarily eased pressure on prices, but the energy market normalization relies on LNG supply growth acceleration, along with renewables development. French nuclear availability and healthy hydro reservoirs are also pivotal.